Today marks my 7th week of pregnancy. I'm still very worried about them and will feel a lot better when I hear their little hearts beating. I go on Monday for my next ultra sound, and I pray everything goes well.
I am already starting to fit a little snuggly into my pants. I started to notice yesterday that my shirt seemed to feel tighter, and I decided to try on a pair of pants that usually fit me pretty well. They are way to tight now and I seem to spill out of them a bit. I have been keeping an eye on my weight and I've only gained a pound. From what I have been reading this in perfectly normal. A couple of pounds at this stage is considered ok and I read that your pants should be becoming snug in your 7th week..and that's if your having one, I'm having two! At least I have a couple of pairs of pants that still do fit me, but for how long? I may be going clothes shopping soon. lol
I have been taking it easy and trying not to over do anything, but I have to say, if it were up to my parents I'd be on complete bed rest and never move until it was time to have them. My mom warned me against vacuuming..come on! I surely hope I can push something around on wheels and not get hurt. I don't lug it up and down the steps, but that's different. David's been handling it pretty well, he just seems to get overly worried when I don't feel that well. I actually, so far, have been having it very well. I have only gotten a little nauseous a couple of times. The major thing that concerns me right now is the soreness in my tummy. I've read that your uterus is expanding to make room for baby at this stage, so I hope that's all it is. I don't want a repeat of last time. I was told not to worry unless it feels like a cramp, and I am having a hard time determining which it is. It's in God's hands, and hopefully I will find out more on Monday. Merry Christmas everyone!